Who we are

Who we are

A community theatre group brining poignant moments in our past to the stage

Founded by Gerry Cunningham

Set up by local writer and dramatist ,Gerry Cunningham , the River Tall company under his guidance and writing have went on to sell out shows across the UK and Ireland. Gerry’s writings are an attempt to help educate a large portion of our population who are either unaware or blissfully ignorant as to our history both in the past and not to recent past. 

Our Story

Established in 2016, our theatre company finds its home in the serene mid-Ulster region, near the banks of the River Blackwater where the River Tall runs through. Nestled in Clonmore, a charming townland on the Armagh side of the river, we draw inspiration from the lush landscapes and rich heritage that surround us.

Under the guidance of local playwright Gerry Cunningham, River Tall Productions has garnered acclaim for its compelling productions that delve into the depths of our history performing all over Ireland, the UK & soon the USA! Gerry’s poignant narratives aim to educate and enlighten audiences, sparking conversations about our collective past and its relevance today.
His three major productions, two musicals and one play have a political edge to them and very often the stories and writing are set against the background of major events in our history, examples being the 1916 rising in Dublin.

t is against the background of the Easter rising of 1916 that Gerry captivated the audience with the love affair between Grace Gifford ( a Protestant Unionist) and Joseph Plunkett a member of the secret revolutionary committee the I.R.B , Irish Republican Brotherhood . Their love affair and Plunkett’s execution after their marriage for his part in the rising ,captured the hearts of an nation and the stunning “Blood Upon the Rose”  brings to life this sad but momentous occasion in our history.

Gerry’s second musical “ In The Heart  of the Country” reflects the growing tensions in the farming communities that arose with the onset of the Civil Rights movement here in 1968. Farming communities depended on each other , but in the small town land of “Altcoghfin” in the heartland of Tyrone,  friendships were about to be put to the test in the most tragic of circumstances.

His third writing reflects the dark days of 1981 whereby Republican prisoners in the Maze or “long Kesh” as it was better known  embarked upon a hunger which in the end would see ten men loose their lives in the most horrific circumstances imaginable. One such man was Tyrone and Cappagh native . Martin Hurson. Martin died after 46 days on hungerstrike suffering greatly in the final weeks and days,

Gerry tells the story in a very factual and honest way reflecting greatly upon the suffering of the family who at the end of the day were all victims in these dark and horrible times. The audience get a stark reminder of what life was like here over 40 years ago. A story that has to be told and is told in a non triumphalist sad way leaving many feeling numb at the end.

At River Tall, we are committed to presenting political theatre that is both candid and inclusive. Our goal is to provide a platform for honest reflection, inviting audiences to engage with the complexities of our shared history without judgment.  We aim to bring to stage compelling narratives that aim to educate and provoke thought, shedding light on our shared past and its contemporary relevance. We strive to create a space for open dialogue and reflection, presenting political theater that is both candid and inclusive.

Join us as we journey through the past, present, and future, exploring the stories that shape our identity and ignite our imaginations.

We cannot hide from our past. 

*insert quote* on performance